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In the era of industrialization increasingly competitive, companies are required to participate in the competition. One attempt by the company to be competitive is to improve the quality of their products. If the quality of the product increases, will reduce the occurrence of defective products resulting costs continue to decline and ultimately increase profits. Costs incurred to improve the quality of the so-called cost of quality. According to Hansen and Mowen quality costs consist of the costs of prevention and appraisal costs have a negative effect on defective products, while Feigenbaum said the increase in costs resulting decline in the prevention of disability, which in turn has a positive effect on costs due to lower disability ratings mean lower demand for aktivitas- inspection and testing activities are routine. CV. Hutomo Putra Nganjuk has done quality improvement program but has yet to do grouping and reporting the cost of quality, so that the management can not control the expenditure cost of optimal quality. Referring to the above description, the issue of concern is how much influence the quality costs consist of the costs of prevention and appraisal costs against defective products either simultaneously or partially on the CV. Hutomo Putra Nganjuk. Object of this study is the CV. Hutomo Son Nganjuk. The variables studied were the cost of quality (prevention costs and appraisal costs) and defective products. Data taken with the method of documentation and interviews. Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential. The results showed that the simultaneous prevention costs and appraisal costs significantly influence the defective product at CV. Hutomo Putra Nganjuk, the calculated F value significant value 4.834 and 0.014 at the significant level of 0.05 and determination coefficient of 0.718, which means the cost of prevention and appraisal costs simultaneously influence the defective product at 71.8%, while the remaining 28.2% defective products is influenced by other factors. Partial cost of prevention and appraisal costs are also significantly influence the defective product. Prevention costs negatively affect the defective product and the cost assessment positive effect on defective products. Based on the results of the study concluded that the costs of prevention, appraisal costs and damaged products fluctuating within reasonable limits, but there are some that go beyond reasonable limits that need the attention of management . It is therefore advised to CV. Hutomo Putra Nganjuk account of costs of prevention and appraisal costs, because the cost of research based prevention can reduce the amount raised if the product is defective, while the assessment fee when unloaded can reduce the number of defective products.
Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Laverage, dan Growth Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan pada Perusahaan Perbankan Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) suwandi suwandi

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Profitability, Laverage, and Growth was strongly related to Peruusahaan value. Any company that is able to generate good profitability, the development will also look good. Laverage always required the company to run the company, these variables describe sebeapa large companies have an obligation to be paid. Growth can describe the company pmengalami increase or decrease. Types of research are used by these researchers is the type of correlational research and quantitative methods. Collecting data using the data of secondary data. The results show that profitability, Laverage, and Growth simultaneously significant effect on Firm Value, with a significant level of 0.043 under the significant level of 0.05. While partially variable Profitability, Laverage, and Growth does not have a significant effect due to a significant level above 0.05.
Co-Authors A Muslim A. Besse Dahliana Abdullah Abdullah Abdurahman Marasabessy Abraham Hatulely Abu Umayah Agung Wendy Prasetyo Agus Sulistyono Agustuti Handayani Ajeng Triyani Alfian Ady Saputra Ana Rusmardiana Andi Sularso Andika Tiara Sukma Antonius Wahyu Arfiani Yulianti Fiyul Arsi Arsi Arsi Arsi Arum Setiawan Aulya Fahma B. Gunawan Bambang Gunawan Betty Magdalena Bunga Dara Amin Chandra Irsan Desilia Purnama Dewi Dwi ASTUTI E. Rokhminarsi Elfita Elfita Elvantonius Elvantonius Erise Anggraini Eriyati Eriyati Erna Sri Sugesti Faisal Akbar Fajar Prabowo Fidelia Isnainy Finkhy Margareth Valentine Fitra Gustiar, Fitra Galuh Retno Setyo Wardani Gunawan Ade Putra Sihite Handi Saputro Harjito - Harjoyo Harjoyo Harman Hamidson Harman Hamidson Hartati Hartati hasbi hasbi helmi setiawan Hendra Hendra Ika Irma Widyana Ilham Audy Rivand Imam Suroso Irawan Suntoro Irmawati Irmawati Jaka Waskito Jarum Wiyanto Joko Rehutomo Kevin Christian Bakkit P Khodijah Khodijah Khoirul Hidayah Khoirul Ikhsanudin Hanif Khoirul Ikhsanudin Hanif Kristanto M Laila Chairani Lailaturrahmi Lailaturrahmi Linda Septarina M. Faishal Darmawan Marieska Verawaty Melinda Melinda Mimma Gustianingtyas Mitsuhiro Shigeishi Mohammad Andi Nugroho Monica Alesia Muh Tawil Muhammad Hatta Muhammad Yunus Umar Nani Nuraini Sarah Nazla Maharani Umaya Ngurah Ayu Nyoman Murniati Ninik Nurhidayati Noor Miyono Nur Achmad Husin Nur Azisah NUR INDRIANTORO Nurhayati Nurhayati Priyadarshini, Rossyda Purwandono Purwandono R Anwar Efendi R Putra Munandar Ratna Suminar Retno Wulandari Rifai Rifai Rika Rosmaidah Riri Oktarini Riza Amalia Rifani Rosnawintang Rosnawintang S Imam Nugraha Sahbudin Sahbudin Saniatur Rizki Sapto Hadi Imambachri Sigit Darmawan SITI HERLINDA Soewito Soewito Suparman SHK suparman suparman Supomo Kandar Supriyanto Supriyanto Susilawati Susilawati Suwarno Suwarno Tanjung Rahayu Teuku Fajar Shadiq Tili Karenina Tri Agus Siswanto Triana Ramadani Tumirin Wagiyanti Wagiyanti Waluyo Waluyo Wicaksono, Freddy YULIA PUJIASTUTI Yulia Widhianti Yunada Arpan Yuyun Tajunnisa